Many have given their “input” on the nature of heterosexual male attraction to gynandromorphs (in this case biological human males who possess feminine traits). Certainly there is a significant percentage of the public who classify this attraction as homosexual, while others classify it as heterosexual or even belonging to a “new category”. In this post, I will not delve too deep into the actual research on the subject matter, but instead I aim to offer a “common sense” understanding of why the aforementioned attraction is ultimately heterosexual. I will also suggest some motivations (via my own anecdotal experience as a heterosexual male who is attracted to feminine males) for why this attraction or preference exists. And finally it is my hope that this article will go a long way towards helping any heterosexual males and any feminine males further understand themselves and their mutual attraction.
To begin, let’s consider the following two options:
Of these two options A
and B
which do you think a heterosexual male would find attractive? If you said A
you would be correct. Let’s look at another comparison:
Again, considering the previous comparison in figure 1 it’s not surprising that heterosexual males find B
attractive in figure 2. Let’s try one more:
So obviously in figure 3 heterosexual males would find B
more attractive but there’s a twist (if you don’t already know): Hunter Schafer is a biological male (i.e. she has XY chromosomes). Whereas Elliot Page is a biological female with XX chromosomes.
This is where things get interesting: is it “homosexual” to find Schafer attractive or Page? Well Page is far more masculine presenting (Page is actively trying to live their life as a man), but Schafer was born with male genitalia and still retains some masculine features. Let’s look at a few more examples that further exhibit this dilemma:
Both C
and D
in figure 4 above are biological females and not only would the vast majority (i.e. 99.99999%) of heterosexual males NEVER find them attractive, they would absolutely find A
and B
attractive. What I am suggesting is a simple truth that explains a lot about the attraction of heterosexual males to feminine males: heterosexual males are attracted to femininity. Even when given the option of a biological female who is masculine vs. a biological male who is feminine, I believe all heterosexual (i.e. straight) men will choose the most feminine option (in this case a biological male like A
and B
This suggests that heterosexual males, according to my assertion, have a strong preference for femininity and tend to select for feminine traits (regardless of the underlying biological sex). To further illustrate this notion, I have created a small collage of feminine individuals that represent varying degrees of % femininity:
To clarify, every single individual depicted in the collage in figure 5 is a biological male. Of the feminine individuals shown in figure 5 I believe most heterosexual males can be attracted to A
, B
, and C
without any hesitation, and D
and E
with a slight hesitation. I believe the vast majority of heterosexual males will begin to struggle with their innate aversion towards masculine traits beginning with F
through I
. But struggle doesn’t mean they won’t still find some aspects of them attractive, it would just become more challenging (but not impossible).
So now let us return to the question we asked abnout figure 3: is it “homosexual” to find Schafer attractive or Page? By now, I believe it should be obvious that heterosexual males will overwhelmingly prefer Schafer to Page. This should not be as controversial as it is. If we rephrase the question in more “technical” terms, I believe it is even more clear what is the answer: “is it homosexual for a biological male to be attracted to an individual who has a majority feminine traits (i.e. $\text{femininity} > 50\%$)?”
As long as a trans woman (or any feminine biological male) has a majority of feminine traits, then what exactly would be homosexual about a biological male being attracted to them? To put it another way, if one was attracted to masculine traits why wouldn’t they simply find someone more masculine? Why would they pursue a trans woman (i.e. a majority feminine male)? This is where I believe it simply doesn’t make sense to classify an attraction to majority feminine males (e.g. trans women) as homosexual, and hence why Schafer would be preferred over Page.
But then the same logic could be applied to men attracted to these feminine males: why not pursue individuals with more feminine traits? So there must be something attractive about majority feminine males (e.g. trans women) that would drive heterosexual males to pursue them. We have certainly cast doubt on homosexuality as the driving force, so what then is the motivation? If there is no difference between trans and cis women, then why are there some heterosexual males who, not only find them attractive, but prefer them romantically/sexually?
The phrase “women that are not female” I believe captures the majority of the appeal of feminine males (e.g. trans women). They are an alternative feminine option, without the threat of responsibility. Yes there is a threat of responsibility in regards to biological females in civilized society. There are legal structures in place, not to mention the obvious cultural/social pressures, that require men to be responsible for women. I believe that, there are many men who do not want to take part in this system (for any number of reasons) and find feminine males like trans women to be a much better fit for their needs and values.
But there is another, possibly more primal, reason for the preference: dominance. The reality of a sexual relationship with a feminine male is that they can only be anally penetrated. It is essentially understood that sexual intercourse with feminine males can only proceed via anal penetration. There is no other option and to very masculine, aggressive, and dominant heterosexual males, there is a natural interest in anally penetrating their sexual partner. It is something deeply erotic. And I do believe that anal penetration is truly the most dominant sexual act that can be committed.
From my perspective, the attraction of heterosexual males to feminine males like trans women is normal, natural, and reasonable. There is nothing “homosexual” about it, and it simply doesn’t qualify as such. While I do understand that homosexual implies “being attracted to the same sex”, it simply doesn’t explain the phenomenon: heterosexual male attraction to majority feminine males. The far more interesting psychosexual aspects of the attraction involve understanding the appeal of the “alternative feminine option.” I believe this is really what is at the proverbial “heart” of the matter: heterosexual males are attracted to majority feminine males (e.g. trans women) because they are “women who are not female.”
It is more than reasonable, given the pressures of the modern age and the various threat vectors heterosexual men must navigate, that they would seek alternative feminine options. No heterosexual males who are attracted to trans women or any other femine male should feel conflicted or confused about their sexuality. They are simply exhibiting their natural sexual drive: attraction to femininity.